Tuesday, 22 March 2011

DIY-Get Beading

Hello, and yes its been a while! In my defence i have just got back from Bedford, i spent 4 days with my friend and her family which was a much needed break!
Last week i decided to save money and revamp something i don't wear much in my wardrobe
I decided to go with this dress which only cost me £2 (you gotta love thrifting) I've only wore it once and it has lived in the back of my wardrobe since

As you can see there is nothing special about this dress. So cue Tiger the Icelandic version of Ikea for my beads,  and a whole lot of patience....

The finished product! I am very proud of my first customization! I wanna add some shoulder pads to give it more structure! can't wait to wear it! What do you think? What have you made your own? xoxo

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Good Credit Means More Clothes!

I am feeling a lot better after having the week from hell last week! I don't know if it was the fact that i had a day off work today or the online shopping i did that kissed the wound better? Ah well better not dwell on the matter, lets move on to the good stuff!

It was brought to my attention last week that i might have good credit, now when i was told this i wasn't in the best frame of mind and kind of brushed it off. Today however it hit me like my mum caught me stealing out her purse that i have GOOD CREDIT! I mulled over this for a few seconds and i realised all the shopping potential this held for me, i thought of all the companies i tried to sign up with that discarded me without a second thought telling me in black and white how i wasn't credit worthy! A smirk smile crept over my face as i started typing in a certain online catalogue.  This catalogue was formally known as Marshall Ward but now goes by the name of Isme. I am happy to say that this time i was successful and i wasted no time in placing my order which hopefully should be with me tomorrow!

I love all these things and can't wait to recieve the dress which is my favourite! I love this catalogue because i find they have a lot more fashionable clothing when you compare it to Simply Be, and they are cheaper! Don't get me wrong i love Simply Be because when no one would have me they took pity on me and took me in! Just to prove i haven't forgotten my roots i ordered the following from them
I'm looking forward to wearing the jacket as i love the colour, with jeans or an all black outfit i know it will give it a boost! Check out www.isme.com and don't forget www.simplybe.co.uk
So now i wait with crossed fingers that 1) Delivery turns up 2) It fits! xoxo

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Not Feeling Myself

This is how I'm feeling right about now! Let me tell you folks this week has been crap! I've had the worst week at work, new management pissed me off! I won't even get into that one! I guess it just went down hill from there really! I know when that "special" time of the month is approaching i can be irritable and extra sensitive but i swear with hand on heart that this is not related...honest!
Like i said it started off with a run in with management, after that i have been pissed off ever since and i just feel like I've had it up to here with my job! Imagine i even got new clothes from New Look and i just haven't been bothered to post about it! I can't wait for my days off next week so i can take a step back and start again! So if your reading this post and thinking what the hells wrong with this girl, forgive me I'm not myself! Just wanted to let you know I'm still here! xoxo